13 August 2005

It doesn't pay to be smart

Looking back over the past few days, months, and years, I am astounded at the ignorance and stupidity of many of those in power. The world has been witness to the verbal gymnastics in which representatives of our federal government have engaged...as well as the massacre of the language...so why is it that they succeed? While some of my friends might suspect a vast right-wing conspiracy, I'm not sure I believe that. On the other hand, even Mr. Scott couldn't suspend the laws of physics (well, ok...I guess he did on more than one episode...but you know what I mean).

That being said...just in case you can't tell from Mr. Bush's example, here's proof that it does not pay to be smart...

Work is power multiplied by time (w=p*t); and we all know that knowledge is power and time is money, so work equals knowledge multiplied by money (w=k*m). If you solve the equation for money, you find that work divided by knowledge equals money (w/k = m). Of course this means that as knowledge approaches infinity, money approaches zero.

So, go back to playing your XBox...and when your parents ask why you're not studying, just say you're planning to be rich when you grow up and you don't want to mess that up by being smart.


Anonymous said...

are there underlying assumptions that presuppose that things are supposed to be getting better? Perhaps Mr. Whitehead would think so, but I am unsure. Instead, of an improvement, I would suspect that things are no better, no worse, no less hopeful than things have ever been. However, the problem with this becomes, "So What the Hell has God been doing all this time?"

Robert King said...

Well, yes, things are supposed to be getting better. Maybe that's just my faith talking, but I see the universe as an open system...it must be open, because if it weren't entropy would have destroyed it by now.

Besides, aren't we supposed to be evolving?