14 September 2005

I pledge allegiance to...

So the 9th Circuit is being "activist" again and condemning the Pledge of Allegiance. Go figure, I mean, who in their right mind would think that judges would enforce the law...even in California. But hey, maybe it's a good thing to coerce a child into affirming God...after all, we weed gardens and train animals, right? Sure...so if we want children to be vegetables or act like animals, we should feel free to treat them as such; of course, if we want children to act like rational people the same rule applies...treat them as such.

But all that goes against the government, or so the politicians say. After all, The Founding Fathers were Christian and founded a Christian nation. Right? Wrong! Most of the traitors (and they were at the time) who led the revolt against the government (and it was at the time) in the late 1700's were men of the Age of Enlightenment and were deists. Not only is it a travesty to idolize mere mortals the way we idolize The Founding Fathers, it's made worse by our attributing traits to them that they abhorred. We somehow forget that the government started coercing belief in God 50 years ago, not 200, and attribute even more evil to the men who helped create our system of government.

So what's the big deal? The Constitution is over 200 years old and some of those amendments are just as old...even textbooks in Kansas are revised more often than that, so it's about time for a revision or two. That First Amendment has been trouble since it was ratified in the 1790's...maybe we should just get rid of it. Come to think of it, the next nine aren't that great either, maybe we should get rid of those too. Wait a minute, I've got an idea...let's pass a Bill of No Rights...wait that name doesn't sound like a political winner...I know, we'll call it "The Patriot Act," nobody can bad-mouth something called "The Patriot Act," why, that would be unpatriotic.

So let's just cut those first ten amendments, and create our own...oh yeah, I know, let's end the suffrage of women and the poor...people aren't really in support of suffrage, are they? Let's also end the rights of "those people" to have who they want in their houses too (you know who I'm talking about...that's right...the rich with their "undocumented" nannies). [This is totally off the topic, but did you ever notice that when they work for the rich they're "undocumented" when they're looking for work they're "illegal aliens"? Is that because the rich people are above the law? Oh yeah, what was I thinking...this is America, of course they're above the law.]

So anyway, we're going to ignore...no wait, delete...the First Amendment because of McCarthy's mental defects. Now that sounds like a good idea. By the way, as a person of faith, if I wanted to live in a theocracy, I'd move to Iran...or Saudi Arabia...or Iraq...or Afghanistan...or...so, if you want to live in a theocracy, I'd invite you to do the same. And while you're packing, can you tell me what was wrong with the Pledge of Allegiance we had before 1954? To refresh your memory, it was "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." And maybe you could explain how it can come to actually mean something again...you know how we can be "one nation" and have "liberty and justice for all".

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