24 August 2005

Pro-war rally

So the "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" tour came to Arizona tonight. While I don't agree with the "pro-war" tour, they do have the right to profess what they believe, and I would even go so far as to say they have the responsibility to do so. However, they should at least get the facts straight.

Inside the Arriba Mexican Grill in Glendale, defenders joined local radio (KFYI) talk-show host Joe Crummey and a cardboard cutout of the president wearing a KFYI T-shirt. Joe drew cheers when he asked if "we support the United States military" and condemned liberals saying that "they" are giving moral support to Islamic fascists and asking whether or not we liberals really understand that the terrorists "hate us for our freedom".

So what's wrong? Well, first of all we liberals aren't giving moral support to Islamic fascists. Liberals don't support fascists of any kind, even religious ones. Now I suppose it's possible that the Islamic fascists are encouraged by our criticism of the government...but that's a stretch. It would seem to be more plausible that if they are encouraged by behavior in America, the more encouraging behavior would be support of a foreign policy that enables the terrorists to meet their recruiting quotas. But I digress...and they (the terrorists) are not paying that much attention to our behavior in America.

Second, the terrorists don't "hate us for our freedom" -- they hate us because America's King George I sent troops into Saudi Arabia, thus defiling holy ground. Of course, we were invited, but imagine how many christians would react if pagans set up shop in the Vatican or Jerusalem to kill christians. It's not our freedom they hate...don't get me wrong they don't want any part of our "freedom," but we're less free since the Patriot Act than we were when we were arming Osama bin Laden and he was our ally against that other "Axis of Evil", the USSR...and we need to remember that the terrorists are not just killing people in America...they're killing people in countries that enjoy more freedom than we do and in countries that enjoy less freedom than we do.

Besides, all this assumes that Iraq is tied to terrorists...a rather questionable assumption considering that we know it wasn't tied to the terrorists who attacked on September 11th. And you know what an assumption is...it's the Mother of All F***-ups.

So, Joe, don't assume that we liberals are encouraging the hatred of "our freedom"...not only does that not make sense (liberal comes from liberae...that's Latin for "freedom")...assumptions encourage you to forget or ignore the facts, making you either forgetful or stupid...you pick.

1 comment:

Robert King said...

[tone=sarcasm]Yep, I guess we're all a little safer now that king g ii is on the job. I, for one, am glad that he's only getting kids killed and not getting some in the office, because presidents should be free of all complications, like sex and morality.