29 July 2005

The sorry state of politics

if (anger > sanity) {
/* Begin ranting */

Today, an injustice was perpetrated upon the American people...an energy bill was passed. Now, this would seem, since this bill encourages development of American energy sources, to reduce American dependence on foreign oil. Unfortunately, since we have only a miniscule portion of the world's oil reserves and this bill encourages the depletion of those resources through development incentives, it will actually have the opposite effect.

Of course, our fearless so-called leaders would not dream of imposing higher mileage restrictions on automobile manufacturers, nor would they fund the development of alternative energy sources to the extent they will support petroleum companies already making record profits, because to do so would mean that the American people would have to stop being all hat and no cattle and curb their petroleum gluttony.

It's not that this is the worst thing done this year...it's not even really the worst thing done this month or this day even. It's just that I'm reminded of how astronomically stupid our "elected" officials can be, and often are.

} /* end rant */

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